Why subscribe?
The Mad Ned Memo covers the development of computer technology over the past 40 years to the present day, from someone who has been there through it all. Stories and commentary on the early years of the microprocessor and home computer, the gaming revolution from arcade to mobile platform, hardware and software hacking adventures, and the titanic and sometimes strange shifts in technology that we’ve seen in our lives.
Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update! The Mad Ned Memo is cost-free and ad-free, and new posts come out one or two times a week.
What’s the Catch Though?
There is no hidden marketing agenda here. I am interested in writing and publishing stories and having discussions related to computer technology, over my 40 plus years of experience. I will share any stories or insights I have for free, but if someday there is enough of a demand, I may consider branching off a paid version of the newsletter — focused on more current trends and business topics.
But that is likely far from now, and even if it comes to be, I still plan to continue the existing free Mad Ned Memo as it is today. So subscribe, with full confidence there will be no Tupperware related emails, and that you can unsubscribe at any time if you wish.
About Me
I am Ned Utzig, a lifelong computer gamer, hacker, maker, and engineer. I grew up in a mainframe world of the 1970s, and in 1979 built my first home computer from a kit in the back of a magazine. I owned or used many of the iconic early home PCs of the day, and also played the full spectrum of arcade, PC, and home console games through the years.
In the 1980s and 90s, I worked as a hardware engineer for Digital Equipment Corporation, designing mainframe memory systems and Unix/Windows workstations. In the late 1990s I started a 25 year (so far) career in the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) industry, developing software for integrated circuit debug and verification.
I still enjoy computer and handheld/mobile gaming today (mostly on the casual side) as well as attempting to write games, and also the occasional hardware and sometimes artsy kinds of projects as a hobby. When I’m not a complete nerd I’m also found hiking, raking leaves, and taking care of our one-year-old Boingle.
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The Mad Ned Memo is hosted by Substack, and thus subject to any privacy policies they may have. My personal pledge however is that I take subscriber privacy very seriously, and I will not sell or share subscriber information, such as email addresses or any other collected information, to any third parties.