Oh boy, how much I loved this one. The "Skills Gained" sections are outstanding. I had a Skedoodle (similar to the EtchASketch) and also a bright red "ViewMaster" which I adored, skills gained were early exposure to VR, 3D ;-)

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Wow, I had all of those except the See and Say, a nostalgic blast from preschool! At 5 (1976), I asked for a computer and got this Fisher Price gadget with faux tape drives. You wound them up, inserted a basic punch card, and watched the drives spin. I was disappointed it wasn't a real computer like the ones on Star Trek or Space 1999. Great memories! https://supermariooyna.website

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you had me at Skills Gained - humorous, but not far off the mark! ...

way back then we actually DID have access to sort-of computers: programmable calculators. i fondly remember my Dad letting me play with a fancy desktop calculator at his office one day. i used up most of a roll of paper in just a couple of hours. i was totally possessed with the idea that i could bend a machine to my will ...

there were also the TI handheld programmables that became somewhat affordable in the mid-70s ...

then almost-real-computers started appearing: the Timex Sinclair 1000, and the RadioShack TRS-80, and then BOOM! computers were everywhere

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Wow, I had every one off those, with the exception of the See and Say, which I remember from preschool. I asked for a computer when I was 5 (1976) and got this Fisher Price thing that had dummy tape drives on it. IIRC you wound them up and inserted a crude punch card and the drives would spin. I was bummed it wasn’t a real computer like on Star Trek or Space 1999.

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