I already nave Natural Ned Certification on my resume 😉

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Natural Ned - cuz programming sux!

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Sep 15, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

I know it isn't quite Natural Ned, but Githubs Copilot looks cool: https://copilot.github.com/

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Sep 12, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

"Metamagical Themas" is a great book. and a cool anagram.

have you seen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prograph - it was around in the 80s - i bought a copy and played around with it. you write no lines of code - just draw graphs. it was ahead of its time i think. the "low code" movement seems to be a recent rediscovery of the idea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-code_development_platform

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

I don't know about a motto, but the first thing that sparked my neuron was that NN would somehow involve NNML. Not Natural Ned Markup Language or Machine Learning.

Natural Ned: Mow Lawn

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My very first boss thought that every program should have only 2 lines:



While that was a great idea, my years of experience have taught me that even with line 2, my code still won't work!

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