Oct 9, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

on a clear disk you can seek forever

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

A while back I became fascinated by the Burroughs 205, the wall of blinkenlights featured in Adam West's Bat Cave, and also in Lost In Space (the 60s TV show, kids). Imagine the shock of realizing that that spinning drum was not like a disk drive, but was in fact a Fully Operational main memory! That's probably the main reason the poor thing topped out at 75kHz clock cycles. I haven't had the time to dig into the docs, but it seems a safe bet that the 'D' register was really a shift register to interface to the nibble-stream I/O with the drum ..

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Oct 6, 2021Liked by Mad Ned

Wow, I haven't heard the term "head crash" in a while. I remember being extra careful and "parking" my hard drive when I would shut down my PC.

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